Hi and welcome to my web page. I studied extensively with Dennis Sandole, my musical mentor, beginning in 1976 and my compositions are a result of his infulanse. That and also where I grew up, in Atlantic City NJ!!!
In 1979 I moved to NY in the East Village and in 1992 I moved to Barcelon where I taught jazz and blues, and modern piano students at the Taller de Musics.
During that time I have played in many venus in and around Barcelona and created, The What's New Trio, and my most curront group, Magnets,a due that plays original groove music for piano and caj.
Well I,m here playing, teaching, and composin. So please browse around. Hopefully you'll find it informative and musical as well.
Hola y bienvenidos a mi pagina Web. Estudie intensamente con Dennis Sandole, Empece mis estudios con el en 1976 y mis composiciones son fruto de su infulancia juntaments con el lugar donde naci.....Atlantic City NJ.
En 1979 fui a NYC y en 1992 llegue a Barcelona donde he impartido class de jazz y blues durante 14 a ños seguidos, compartiendo mis conocimientos con los alumnos del Taller de Musics.
Durante ese tiempo yo he tocado tanto en el centro como en los alrededores de Barcelona, creando mi espacio con mis tres grupos: The Michael Grossman Group, The What's New Trio, y el mas reciente, Magnets, musica para piano y cajon.
Sigo tocando aqui, componiendo, ense ñando e investigando. Porfaver, echa un vistazo a esta pagina. Espero que la encuentres interesante y la musica agradable.